How to Update cURL to the Latest Version on CentOS

cURL shipped with the OS may not be up-to-date, and if you need the newer version for a particular requiment, you need to update it to the latest version. In this post, I will guide you to update cURL to the latest version on CentOS.

1. Create a new file /etc/yum.repos.d/city-fan.repo, then paste the following contents:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/city-fan.repo
name=City Fan Repo

2. Yum install cURL.

yum clean all
yum update curl

It's done, you could use curl -V to check the version of cURL.

How to Update cURL to the Latest Version on CentOS

This yum repo works for both RHEL and CentOS, all you have to do is specify the appropriate city-fan url.